Dr. Aloysia Regina Joan, G.
Assistant Professor(SG) & Coordinator of B.Com (BPO)
M.Com. with SLET, NET, Ph.D.
Dr. Josephine Lourdes De Rose, V.
Assistant Professor
M.Com., M.Phil. with NET & SET, Ph.D.
Ms. Mary Suthanthira Malar, M.
Assistant Professor & Coordinator of B.Voc(BFSI)
M.Com., B.Ed., M.Phil. with NET Ph.D.
Dr. Suregka Felix, K.
Assistant Professor(Mgt.)
M.Com with NET., M.B.A. with NET (MGT. and HRM), Ph.D.
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Shyamala, G.E.
Assistant Professor(Mgt.)
M.A., M.Com., M.B.A., M.Phil. with SET
Dr.Marie Sheila, R.
Assistant Professor
Dr. Mahalakshmi, M.
Assistant Professor(Mgt.) & Coordinator (Shift-II)
M.Com., M.Phil., PGDBM, Ph.D.