English Video Gallery
Dr. Mary Sandra Quintal
An Elegy Lamenting the Loss of Faith - DOVER BEACH by Matthew Arnold
Dr. Mary Jayanthi, M
Overview of Classical Criticism and Plato's Republic
Benita, N
The Pulley - George Herbert
Dr. Ruby Merlin, I
The Sparrow - Paul Laurance Dunbar
Dr. Suganthi, K
Tools of Literary Research
Dr. Desiree Ann A
The Jew of Malta by Christopher Marlowe as a Revenge Tragedy
Ms. Maria Camilla, M
Parts of Speech - Nouns
Dr. Eileen Brisha, M.L.
A Comprehensive Analysis of Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy
Ms. Joanna D’ Vaz
To Be or Not to Be: Examining Hardy’s Far From the Madding Crowd as a Pastoral Romance
Dr. Jennifer Flora Garrett
I'm Vertical - Sylvia Plath
Dr. Cheryl Antonette Dumenil
Uncle Podger Hangs a Podger
Dr. Merlin Depsy Nithiya, N
Theory of Multiple Intelligence
Dr. Sherly Winfred
Degrees of Comparison
Dr. Charmaigne Owenita, M
Toru Dutt - The Lotus
Dr. Rosy Lidia, S.I
If - Rudyard Kipling
Ms. Deerkalakshmi,V.S.
Types of Translation
Ms. Punitha, J
A Nation's Strength by William Ralph Emerson
Ms. Vidhya, N
The Fairy Tale of Mohanpur Mahasweta Devi - Introduction
Ms. Mariena Kamala Brinda Noel, S
The Fairy Tale of Mohanpur Mahasweta Devi - Background and Analysis
Ms. Jayapriya Durga, M R
Parts of Speech
Ms. Maria Merline. M
How I Taught my Grandmother to Read by Sudha Murthy
Ms. Steffi Sagaya Mary, B
Bliss - Katherine Mansfield
Ms. Jebasynthia, D M
Dreams and Identities - A Raisin in the Sun
Ms. Ann Esther Shiny, A
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Dr. Britto Jenobia, J
Brochure and its types
Dr. Saraswathi, G
Organs of Speech